
Showing posts from October 2, 2016


BHARAT JAMBUDVIPA is commonly known as India.... ...A NAMASTE TO ALL... What is NAMASKAR????? A traditional Indian greeting or gesture of respect, made by bringing the palms together before the face or chest and bowing......           !!Scientific Reasons Behind Popular Hindu Namaskar!! There is a scientific reason behind the ‘Namaskar’ in Hindu culture.....  Joining both hands ensures touching the tips of all the fingers together, which are linked to pressure points in the eyes, ears, and mind.....  Pressing them together is said to activate these, helping us remember that person for a long time.......                                _ /\ _ SOME INDIAN TRADITIONS _ /\ _ The uniqueness of Indian culture lies in its strong social system and family values...... The elders are considered the driving force and so are respected and lov...

Microfinance {SAY NO TO PROVERTY}

         Microfinance                                                                                                                     SAY NO TO PROVERTY  Proverty in india is widespread and a variety of methods have been proposed to measure it.... The official measure of Indian Goverment.......And it can be resloved  by  Microfinance!!!What is it???? Microfinance  refers to an array of financial services, including loans, savings and insurance, available to poor entrepreneurs.......... Small business owners who have no collateral and wouldn't otherwise qualify for a standard bank loan......... Main Aims of  Microfin...

Indian Festivals......

FESTIVALS What Is Festival??????? Festivals are special occasions..... We celebrate many festivals throughout the year........ It is great fun to celebrate festivals with friends,relatives and family......... During all these festivals people put on new dresses...** Some of the main festivals are: EID DIWALI                                                                          1}DIWALI........                                                      2}HOLI.......                3}DURGA PUJA ... ... ........... DURGA PUJA @DIWALI@ DIWALI Celebrate return of Ram and sita..........